
Eine Protokollzeile mit Record & Regex analysieren

(defrecord Logline [datetime action user id])
(def pattern #"(\d{8}-\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})\|.*\|(\w*),(\w*),(\d*)")
(defn parser [line] 
  (if-let [[_ dt a u i] (re-find pattern line)] 
          (->Logline dt a u i)))

Definieren Sie eine Musterzeile:

(def sample "20170426-17:20:04.005||1.0.0|alert|Update,john,12")

Probier es aus :

(parser sample)


#user.Logline{:datetime "20170426-17:20:04.005", :action "Update", :user "john", :id "12"}

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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