Простая проверка формы с использованием ограничений
Пример действия контроллера
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
public function exampleAction(Request $request)
* First you need object ready for validation.
* You can create new object or load it from database.
* You need to add some constraints for this object (next example)
$book = new Book();
* Now create Form object.
* You can do it manually using FormBuilder (below) or by creating
* FormType class and passing it to builder.
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($book)
->add('title', TextType::class)
->add('pages', IntegerType::class)
->add('save', SubmitType::class, array('label' => 'Create Book'))
* Handling Request by form.
* All data submitted to form by POST(default) is mapped to
* to object passed to FormBuilder ($book object)
* Form Validation
* In this step we check if form is submitted = data passed in POST
* and is your object valid. Object is valid only if it pass form validation
* in function isValid(). Validation constraints are loaded from config files
* depending on format (annotations, YAML, XML etc).
* IMPORTANT - object passed (book) is validated NOT form object
* Function isValid() using Symfony Validator component.
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
* Now object is valid and you can save or update it
* Original object ($book) passed into form builder has been updated
* but you can also get variable by function getData:
* $book = $form->getData();
// You can now redirect user to success page
return $this->redirectToRoute('book_success_route');
* If form is not submitted you show empty form to user.
* If validation fail then the form object contains list of FormErrors.
* Form errors are displayed in form_row template (read about form templates)
return $this->render('book/create.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
Пример ограничений для объекта
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
class Book
* @Assert\Length(
* min = 2,
* max = 100,
* minMessage = "Book title must be at least {{ limit }} characters long",
* maxMessage = "Book title cannot be longer than {{ limit }} characters"
* )
private $title;
* @Assert\Range(
* min = 3,
* max = 10000,
* minMessage = "Book must have at least {{ limit }} pages",
* maxMessage = "Book cannot have more than {{ limit }} pages"
* )
private $pages;
// [...] getters/setters
# src/AppBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
- Length:
min: 2
max: 50
minMessage: 'Book title must be at least {{ limit }} characters long'
maxMessage: 'Book title cannot be longer than {{ limit }} characters'
- Range:
min: 3
max: 10000
minMessage: Book must have at least {{ limit }} pages
maxMessage: Book cannot have more than {{ limit }} pages
Ссылка на ограничения проверки: https://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/constraints.html
Проверка формы: http://symfony.com/doc/current/forms.html#form-validation
Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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