

WebService를 작성하는 최소한의 코드에 대한 아주 기본적인 ASP.Net 예제.


별도의 StackOverflow Documentation 게시물에서이 Calculator WebService의 사용을 살펴 보겠습니다.

계산기 WebService

<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="Util" %>
using System;
using System.Web.Services;

public class Util: WebService
    public int CalculatorAdd(int operandA, int operandB)
        return operandA + operandB;

    public int CalculatorSubtract(int operandA, int operandB)
        return operandA - operandB;

    public long CalculatorMultiply(int operandA, int operandB)
        return operandA * operandB;
    public long CalculatorDivide(int operandNumerator, int operandDenominator)
        if (operandDenominator == 0)
            return System.Int64.MaxValue;    // Should really do better error handling overall & return an error
            return operandNumerator / operandDenominator;

Modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation
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